Renovation Estimating

Choose The Estimate Option You Need

You can choose from three types of estimates, Preliminary Estimate, Construction Estimate or Production Estimate.

Your choice will depend on the level of detail you need for your new build quote.

Preliminary Estimate

Simple one-page estimate that includes:

Construction Estimate

Detailed estimate broken down into:

Production Estimate

Comprehensive estimate that includes:

Affordable Estimates You Can Trust

Renovation Estimating has grown a solid reputation as an affordable estimating service you can trust. You save in so many ways when you use us to prepare your estimates:

You won’t need to spend hours away from site pulling together rates, quantities or allowances.

We use technology to crunch the numbers while you keep working on your existing jobs.
You can stop worrying about mistakes that can blow out your quote or underestimate your costs.
Our estimating take-off software is as accurate as possible, which means your estimates are too.

You don’t have to rely on someone else’s estimate of the renovation costs.

Our estimates provide a comparison to protect you from inaccurate budgets from third parties that lead to cost blowouts.

Stand Out From The Crowd

Your price is important, but so are your credentials as a builder. How you present your quote can affect your credibility with the potential client.


Whether you choose a Preliminary or a Construction estimate, the information is displayed in a clear format that’s easy to digest.


Providing professional documentation at the quoting stage helps you establish your competence as a business as well as a builder.

Reliable Renovation Estimates

Estimates for renovations are always time consuming because each one is unique. Without an estimator in-house to help, preparing a quote can be a huge drain on your time and slow down your current jobs.


But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can get ad hoc help without any employment costs by using our reliable estimating team whenever you need it.

Enquire Today

Get in touch today for construction estimation.

Upload your plans direct to our team for review

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