Our estimations are suited for Professional Builders who want to quote on a new home or renovation for a potential client.
Our team is experienced managing projects from $200k – $4.0m +
With our help, you can quote for renovations with confidence knowing your estimate covers all costs including demolition, rectification and refurbishment.
Its our responsibility to be on top of an ever changing construction price data base, we find that most major trades are seeking $70-$100 per hour.
Your choice will depend on the level of detail you need for your new build quote.
Simple one-page estimate that includes:
Detailed estimate broken down into:
Comprehensive estimate that includes:
Contact us to discuss your specific needs and let our experienced team help you choose the perfect solution for your project.
Do you trust your current estimating process to measure a $1.6m project?
Our current estimating lead time is between 3 to 17 business days.
Our team understand when to increase and decrease construction costs
Having your own estimating team isn’t always cost effective, especially if you’re a solo builder. Even when you do have in-house estimators, sometimes people are off sick, on leave or just under the pump.
We created Renovation Estimating in 2017 to bring you the benefits of a reliable estimating team without the high costs of hiring staff.
Our affordable estimates help you keep your current jobs and cashflow moving so you can win more work with less stress.
If you’re putting together a quote for a new build or renovation – we can help. We can also help if you need a comparison estimate.
Most of our clients build or renovate in the range of $500k–$1m, but if your job is outside this budget bracket – just ask If we can help – we will.
We offer two types of estimate that cover off different levels of detail.
Preliminary– simple one-page report with totals for each trade or building works category
Construction – detailed non-conforming estimate that includes a breakdown of the categories with allowances for fixtures and finishes
Production – comprehensive detailed non-conforming estimate that includes a breakdown of the categories with allowances for fixtures and finishes room by room
Our fees depend on the level of detail you need and the job size or complexity.
We’ve made it easy for you to get a fixed cost for your estimate. You can use our simple online form to request an instant quote. Or upload your floor plans for a fixed fee for your project within 24 hours.*
We can commit to shorter timeframes upon request. Contact us to discuss.
Upload your floor plans from your device or desktop using our simple online form.
We operate in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, but we can consider other areas – just ask.